Nayanthara, who is riding high in K’town with her female-centric movies, is ready for her first release of 2017 — the horror thriller Dora, which revolves around a car, and her character Pavalakodi. The film is directed by Doss Ramaswamy, a former assistant to director Sargunam (who is also the producer of Dora). The makers of the film were in for a shock though, when the movie was given an ‘A’ certificate by the Censor Board recently.
When contacted, a peeved Doss said, “Since I didn’t want Dora to be another cliched horror flick, I kept those elements to the minimal level and the ‘ghost’ is just a fantasy component in the script. The CBFC has given an ‘A’ certificate, as they felt that the violence in the film was strong despite the fact that there’s hardly any bloodshed or gory scenes in the movie.”
A source says that the director even agreed to accept few cuts in the film, and tried justifying that the film deserved a ‘U’ or ‘U/A’ certification. However, the Board refused to budge.
The source adds that Doss feels the movie deserves a family audience, which it is being deprived of now. Since the movie is releasing simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu on March 31, the team is not in a position to send it to the revising committee for a change in certification.
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